The MAD Society Ink, No.7
Sep 26, 2023
The Secret to MAD Coaching
John 14:26 But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.
What is this verse telling us? The Holy Spirit will teach us ALL THINGS. He has the ability to cause us to remember everything Jesus said and did. What are ALL THINGS? What did Jesus say He only ever did? Answer: what He saw His Father doing.
From God, to Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, to us. We can do all things through God who gives us strength (Phil 4:13). ALL THINGS!!! There is nothing I can’t do. Nothing to be afraid of. No weakness I have that can’t be overcome with Him. No reason I can’t reach the whole world. And because He is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34), you have access to all of this too. Let it be so!
If I can help even one young person see the steps on the path to find and live out their unique calling, I have succeeded. We are here to make disciples of Jesus, not just converts. To be Jesus and have others “catch” a life that is saturated by peace that passes understanding.
I know who I am. I know Who’s I am. May this handbook and what it creates help reveal purpose and calling to MANY! I am living out my purpose, and it’s so awesome!!!
~Coach Baldwin
MAD Society Coaches can function under the umbrella of a system or organization (like a church or school), or you can do your own thing, separate from any other entity. So cool.
Be a fountain, not a drain. ~Unknown
Check to see if Music, Art & Drama MAD Society will be at your local homeschool convention! If not, send us an email with the details so we can consider making it happen. [email protected]
~Bethany Baldwin, Owner & Creator of all things MAD
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