Music, Art & Drama MAD Society
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The MAD Society Ink, No.4

welcome 8 inks Sep 14, 2023
why mad society is for everyone after school programs nursing homes church groups homeschool co-op friend group all ages

Why MAD Society Is For Everyone

After school programs? ------------------MAD can start right after a school day and follow the school calendar.

Nursing homes? --------------Residents are a captive audience for MAD meetings and a ministry opportunity.

Church groups? ---------------------------------------------------Creating a community with a shared creative goal.

Homeschool Co-ops? -------------MAD provides the arts which is a scary thing for many homeschool parents.

Friend Groups? ------------Gather a group of people you like, or the kids you want your children to bond with.

Ages 1-101! Play roles call for all ages and types of people, skill sets, hopes & dreams.  Everyone can be MAD.

As the activities director at a nursing home, my (Bethany’s) mom hosted a group called “The Rainbow Kids” that she started in 2005. The club spent time focusing on different eras of American history. My mom taught the songs of the era, created costumes and a program with scripted lines.  

Practices and performances were all done within arms length of the nursing home residents.  It was a beautiful process that can be done exactly the same way with MAD Society.

“Break a leg” is theatrical slang representing a wish for “good luck” to an actor before their performance. It’s rumored that understudies would sit in the back row wishing for the lead actors to break a leg.  Yikes! 

MAD FUN: MAD Society hosts a costume party each year…maybe MAD could schedule a time right before the costume party to stop by a local nursing home to visit with the residents? (no scary costumes please)

Retirees would make amazing MAD Coaches. How awesome would it be to host a MAD Society in a local nursing home for you, your grandchildren (or some kids you love) and the residents? 

How about calling one of the nursing homes in your area and pitch the idea?

~Bethany Baldwin, Owner & Creator of all things MAD

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