The MAD Society Ink, No.1
Sep 06, 2023
If I Were You, I’d want to be “The Cool Parent”
1 in 5 parents regularly struggle to have a meaningful conversation with their child, according to new research, with 40% of parents reporting that the average conversation with their child never goes beyond 10 minutes.
8 in 10 parents say they feel like their child avoids having conversations with them, and 23% say their child will often give short answers or even just grunts when they try to talk to them, leaving parents feeling like they’re being shut out of their child’s life. -SWNS Media Group.
I would like to offer a strong antidote to this struggling parent-child connection…becoming a MAD Society Coach or Wingman!!!
I used to be just like the other 82% of parents that were watching their children slip away as I (mom) became socially “uncool” combined with the constant struggle to compete with technology for my kids' attention. MAD Society has become a unique “glue” that is bonding us back together, along with the awesome perk of being a safe space for my kids to be creative.
Bonus: not only will you become cool to your kids, you will become cool in your community (leading to the opportunity to share the Gospel) because you are literally giving children a stage to develop and display the things they are naturally good at and the opportunity to develop skills that will make them into world changers.
Parents Admit the Struggle of Connecting with their Kids - digitalhub US (
“After my mama, Bethany Baldwin, became the ‘Cool Mom’ in our community, I became the ‘Cool Mom’s Cool Daughter,’ which gave me new friendship opportunities. I was learning from my mama how to connect people and be cool together with MAD Society!” ~Isabelle Baldwin, age 17
~see the Baldwin kiddos below~
The MAD curriculum requires (and guides) a sidekick (Wingman) for you, for logistical purposes, emotional support, and to provide another creative lens to contribute to your MAD leadership. Start praying now for the right person to come alongside you. Share your ambitions with others and see who rises to the surface.
My kids help me pick the plays, skits, and sometimes even help me assign roles. We have so much fun doing this together, keeping secrets until the plays are announced, planning cast & crew parties and all the other built-in social events that happen for MAD. I am officially “The cool mom.”
I will be with you the whole way, cheering you on and providing you with all the tools needed to succeed as a MAD Society Coach at
~Bethany Baldwin, Owner & Creator of all things MAD
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